Form fields

Form Fields

Single input components in Shoreline don't have labels or help messages by default, in order to build a field to be used on a form you must use the Field compound components set.

Labels and help text

In order to be accessible, fields in a form should have labels, and in use cases where we want to provide more information fields must have helper text. In Shoreline you can use Label and FieldDescription to add those elements to a field.

  <InputElement />
  <FieldDescription>Short description</FieldDescription>

Indicating error

Some fields might have error states when a value is invalid. You can use FieldError and the error prop in Field to indicate a form error.

Since Field provides context to its children components FieldError won't be rendered when the error prop is set to false.

<Field error>
  <InputElement />
  <FieldError>Short description</FieldError>