Documentation Guideline

Documentation guideline

We use Nextra (opens in a new tab) to write Shoreline documentation. You can test your changes by running the documentation locally, you just need to run the following commands:

pnpm install && pnpm build
pnpm dev:docs

Component documentation

All the component documentation is written under the components folder (opens in a new tab), and they are generated partially automatically during the build process, you can check the scripts (opens in a new tab) in the docs package to see how this works.

In order to make the component documentation available in the site you must follow some conventions described below.


Every component must have a JSDoc with a description of what the component represents and an example of its usage.

For example, in the button component we have something like that:

 * Buttons with labels represent the most important actions that users
 * frequently trigger. They can vary in prominence and can include an icon.
 * @status stable
 * @example
 * <Button>Action label</Button>
export function Button() { ... }


  1. Every new prop that aren't HTML native must be under the [YourComponent]Options interface.
  2. Every property must have a JSDoc with a description.
  3. Add the files that must have the documentation generated in the props script (opens in a new tab).

For example, in the button component we have something like that:

interface ButtonOptions {
   * Button contents
  children: ReactNode;
   * Change between color combinations.
   * @default 'secondary'
  variant: "primary" | "secondary" | "tertiary";


The examples are implemented under the packages/docs/examples (opens in a new tab) folder, you can create as many examples as necessary to your component.

Documentation file

In this file is where you will get together the generated documentation with the written one in the examples, be sure to cover all the sections in the template below:

# Component name
## Examples
## Required props
## Optional props
## Related components

In this example you can check how the button documentation looks like in the end:

# Button
<!-- It shows the component description written in the component file -->
<ComponentDescription name="button" />
<!-- It shows the button.tsx example written in the examples folder -->
<Preview name="button" />
## Examples
### Variants
<!-- It shows the button-variants.tsx example written in the examples folder -->
<Preview name="button-variants" />
## Required props
<!-- It shows all the required props in the ButtonOptions interface -->
<PropsDocs name="button" required />
## Optional props
<!-- It shows all the optional props in the ButtonOptions interface -->
<PropsDocs name="button" />
## Related components
  <!-- It shows a link card reference to the Link component -->
  <ComponentSummary name="link" />