Best Practices

Best Practices



  • Write exactly the label that was omitted but is available as an alternative description for the element. For example, the label of a green dot next to a product is Available for sale.
  • Use sentence case, but capitalize proper nouns.
  • Don't write more than 40 characters and don't use periods.
  • Don't write instructions or include actions, use the ContextualHelp component instead.


By default, the Tooltip opens above the trigger, center-aligned, and it's repositioned automatically according to the available space. Use the placement prop when necessary to adjust the preferred position so it won't hide important content around it.



  • Any element on an interface that has a label omitted can be used as the trigger of a Tooltip. For example, a IconButton or a green dot that represents the state of product.
  • A Tooltip should only open on hover and this behavior should not be customized.